
Level up with art

Local to Cleveland Ohio

I am a small artist and graphic designer. I crave art like a person craves adventure & snacks. So grab your favorite OC who has the chef feat & let’s get cooking!

it’s not just something I went to school for

Ever since I was little I had a drive to create: a longing to make something or capture a vision.

I wanted to do things with my hands and invoke emotions from the pieces I createdto better understand myself and the world around me. For people to understand me and how I saw the world.

Art is a language. The skill develops over timebut it’s a language that everyone can understand. Math and science flow through my art like the blood flows through our veins. Without it we wouldn’t have amazing mediums such as glass working or even film photography.

Melding all of these disciplines together to create my works of art is what it means to me to be

The Art!ficer.




Below are links to help aid you to journey on your own quest to become a level 20 artist. Be not with fear and journey forth full of life and love for what you do.

Never let your fire die. Never let your passion subside and fall to the depths of forgotten memories and regrets. Live fully and forever know that feeling.

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way - things I had no words for.
— Georgia O'Keeffe
Have No Fear of Perfection, You’ll Never Reach It.
— Salvador Dali

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

– Dorothea Lange

A world of my own making?

Better… A world of creation fueled by people who were told, “That’s impossible”.